
This week on Episode 54 of STEAM Powered, we speak with Dr Kandis Leslie Gilliard-AbdulAziz, Chemical and Environmental Engineering Professor, Khaleesi of the Sustainable Lab. Dr Kandis Leslie Abdu...
Some thoughts about climate change, supply chain, and agriculture. https://micheleong.substack.com/p/musings-11-food-for-thought
Some thoughts about comfort zones and personal tethers. https://micheleong.substack.com/p/musings-10-the-tethered-elephant
By popular request, I've launched a new substack about the sometimes weird and nerdly tales of my podcasting journey. https://askmeaboutmypodcast.substack.com/p/i-have-no-idea-what-im-doing
Some thoughts about the state of the tech+ community in Western Australia, and being inspired by the Women in Tech WA Tech [+] Conference and Awards in 2022 (I was a nominee this year), and West Te...
Check out my Trove on Thesaurus Inventus with all the interesting writing-related resources I've found worth sharing. I'm all for dogfooding your own product and have also been enjoying rediscoveri...
We now have a Chrome Extension for Thesaurus Inventus. Save, tag and collect your writing resources more easily in Chrome. Interested in a Firefox or Edge extension? Let us know.
Wrote a bash script that uses ffmpeg to bake-in captions from SRT files into videos for sharing on Twitter and Instagram. https://gist.github.com/solace/97e0b54ef35929bf05a3dcf1ae316ff5 Just anothe...
Wrote a python script that uses Google Cloud Speech to Text API to generate SRT files for captioning 60 second long videos for sharing to social media. https://gist.github.com/solace/abbabb693f37d4...
Wrote a python script to convert DaVinci Resolve marker EDL files to a timeline that can be used in YouTube descriptions for linked timestamps, or general show notes. https://gist.github.com/solace...
Launched STEAM Powered on YouTube and podcast having conversations with Women in STEAM about their journeys, their work, and their passions. We are a diverse group of people, not just demographical...